Thursday, August 17

reflecting part I

Tony Campolo, in his book Who Switched the Price Tags?, talked about a survey of retired people living in their twilight years. They were asked the question, "If you could live your life over again, what changes would you make?" three common responses came out:

  • I would reflect more. (I would take the time to stop and make sense of the journey I was on.)
  • I would risk more. (I played it too safe. I would take more risks in the areas that count.)
  • I would invest my life in areas that outlive me. (I would try to leave a legacy by investing in the lives of others.)
These points do a number on me. It's difficult coming at life from the younger end of things in the sense that at what points in my life should I risk more?
It's difficult being engaged in work, with a young family and the endless things that demand time and mental energy to hold everything off and reflect more about the journey I'm on.
The reality that I have the ability to invest in people has always been before me... people come to mind that have had an impact on me - and I feel like that's something I can do for others. It's made a difference in my life - I want to make a difference.
However, the question is in the myriad of jobs, clubs, relationships that are available to each of us - what is the personal investment that will have the most far-reaching consequences?
I was reading that last line tonight and I thought it looked stupid. It wasn't what I was trying to say.
What I'm really thinking is in light of some of this stuff, I don't want to be the old guy that's wistful about missed opportunities - coming to the realization that I let them win. The things or people that were always at my throat about chinsy, petty stuff - I listened, I compromised and they took me out.

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