Sunday, May 14

So Will is potty-trained now - it's a big deal when it happens in your own house. Two boys - no diapers... that's cool.

Will definitely thinks it's cool too - catching up to his big brother.

Angie was catching some shots for posterity...

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Anonymous said...

Peace and two thumbs up to Will! The importance of not going to the bathroom in your pants cannot be overstressed. See you in the Pass Adam.

Karen said...

Welcome to the new freedom for all of you!

Dave King said...

You just know those shots are going to show up at his wedding.

Adam said...

true that dave - those are total wedding shots.

Melissa said...

Such a cute video! Congrats on the big growing step.

Colleen McCubbin said...

Love that video!
And the catwalk poses. :)