Monday, December 17

Xmas Magic

Ang caught up with Bennet as he finished off his gingerbread man cookies today.

Christmas cute.

Tuesday, November 27

Bennet ventured out on two wheels last year a couple times, but this year got it dialed. Will was not far behind - in fact, he soon disdained any mention of training wheels and we were terrorizing touring the neighbourhood regularly.

Wednesday, November 21

Traveling with Wesley

Christianity Today has a recent article telling of how Philip Yancey recently took a trip to Great Britain and as he traveled he read the Journal of John Wesley.

The article has some great insights into the thoughts and lifestyle of a 'celebrity' Christian of today, vs. the 'celebrity' of John Wesley in his day.

Says Yancy, More than once I wrote in the margin, "Lighten up, John!"

Wesley once articulated the danger of wealth: "I fear, wherever riches have increased, the essence of religion has decreased in the same proportion. Therefore I do not see how it is possible, in the nature of things, for any revival of religion to continue long. For religion must necessarily produce both industry and frugality, and these cannot but produce riches. But as riches increase, so will pride, anger, and love of the world in all its branches."

see article

Tuesday, November 20

New Stuff

After forgetting my password for the previous server I was on along with the fact that the billing for my web address got mixed up - I decided to move over the blogspot address.

It's quite different from the last time I was here - way more features. We'll see how it goes.


Thursday, October 4


I'm so looking forward to Thanksgiving this year. Haven't really been back to Saskatoon for the past year - so it'll be great to chill around the town a bit.

This is my favourite season. Fall, change, leaves, and the cooling temperature all seem to make me slow down on the inside and get into my annual introspective, sentimental, and nostalgic categories.

Life is good. Real good. Life is painful. Real painful.

I love the bittersweet.

I'm walking a tough road with some friends right now.

Marriages falling apart, the spotlight is on some failures there - certain things coming to light that are just tough to face.

Another friend of mine is going through some darkness that he just can't shake. Insecurites, anxiety, stress just seems to have the best of him, and he's one of the most admirable guys I know. I look up to him in a bunch of ways. It sucks.

That's life.

So that's what we do - we walk along side them for now, and there'll be times when they'll walk alongside us...

It's made me evaluate where I'm at, where my relationships are at and be reminded of how good I really do have it. Not that I deserve it - not that I've earned it - not that God has somehow favored me over others... no, it just IS. And I'm thankful.

My wife is so sincere and lovely. My boys are healthy and delightful. The people I work with are dynamite. I love my church. My parents and grandparents are some of the best people I know - the same for my wifes family - and our circle of friends is full.

Friday, September 7

Joshu's Zen

Joshu began the study of Zen when he was sixty years old and continued until he was eighty, when he realized Zen.

He taught from the age of eighty until he was one hundred and twenty.

A student once asked him: "If I haven't anything in my mind, what shall I do?"

Joshu replied: "Throw it out."

"But if I haven't anything, how can I throw it out?" continued the questioner.

"Well," said Joshu, "then carry it out."

Monday, July 23

Not Far from Buddhahood

A university student while visiting Gasan asked him: "Have you ever read the Christian Bible?"

"No, read it to me," said Gasan.

The student opened the Bible and read from St. Matthew: "And why take ye thought for rainment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow. They toil not, neither do they spin, and yet I say unto you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these... Take therefore no thought for the morrow, for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself."

Gasan said: "Whoever uttered those words I consider an enlightened man."

The student continued reading: "Ask and it shall be given you, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you. For everyone that asketh receiveth, and he that seeketh findeth, and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened."

Gasan remarked: "That is excellent. Whoever said that is not far from Buddhahood."

Tuesday, July 17

The Issues

Here's a song I like to listen to for cheers - it's quite brilliant how you can really talk about the issues but keep it funky. 'What are your overheads?'

Monday, July 16

zen for the day


The master Bankei's talks were attended not only by Zen students but by persons of all ranks and sects. He never quoted sutras not indulged in scholastic dissertations. Instead, his words were spoken directly from his heart to the hearts of his listeners.

His large audience angered a priest of the Nichiren sect because the adherents had left to hear about Zen. The self-centered Nichiren priest came to the temple, determined to have a debate with Bankei.

"Hey, Zen teacher!" he called out. "Wait a minute. Whoever respects you will obey what you say, but a man like myself does not respect you. Can you make me obey you?"

"Come up beside me and I will show you," said Bankei.

Proudly the priest pushed his way through the crowd to the teacher.

Bankei smiled. "Come over to my left side."

The priest obeyed.

"No," said Bankei, "we may talk better if you are on the right side. Step over here."

The priest proudly stepped over to the right.

"You see," observed Bankei, "you are obeying me and I think you are a very gentle person. Now sit down and listen."

via zen/koans

Wednesday, June 6

Calgary Weather

June in Calgary has been interesting for the last couple years with average rainfall being significantly high. This June seems to be no exception... last night was heavy rain with some spectacular lightning - a couple nights ago as well, the house was shaking from the thunder. (which the boys thought was cool)

Here are some pics from last night - I was right in the traffic (just missing the heavy flooding by minutes) but it was super slow going with abandoned cars everywhere. Heading north on Macleod Trail I saw a lot of interest heading over the Glenmore overpass - and only imagined what everyone was looking at - here are some pics.

They eventually had to get a zodiac out for these guys.

And the Chinook Mall's parking lot was a car graveyard.